Singing in public

Last year we began going to an open mic night at a place my dad used to drink in. One day we got up to sing and realised we really loved it and couldn’t wait to go each week. Then as of the new year I started playing my guitar more and more, and there…

Buskers Night Performance

Follow my blog with Bloglovin As most of you know I have been learning to play guitar for a while now and in my New Years Resolutions blog I mentioned that I wanted to play my guitar for at least 30 minutes everyday to practice. Of course as with most resolutions, I don’t do it…

New Years Resolutions

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Happy New Year everybody! I hope you all had a crazy New Years Eve haha, or a nice relaxing one, regardless I hope you enjoyed yourself. I never usually give myself New Years resolutions because lets be honest does anyone ever stick to ‘eating less chocolate’ or ‘exercising more’ etc……

Goals for 2016

Follow my blog with Bloglovin 2015 is coming to an end, another year done and dusted. I did have a good year this year, I started making videos on my YouTube channel and have become very confident in front of the camera. I started my channel because I wanted to become a children’s TV presenter…

Guitar and other bits and bobs

Hello everyone, In my last blog post I told you all about my guitar and my lessons. I hope to keep you updated on my progress and all my other day to day events. Since my last lesson I have mainly been working on finger stretches, I don’t have particularly small hands but to stretch…

Guitar Lessons

Just before my 21st birthday my Aunty and I started doing guitar lessons. I only had an old kiddie guitar from when my sister had it in primary school, which wasn’t ideal to learn on.  I started looking for guitars online but whilst out shopping in ‘Daniel’ one day I saw the most beautiful white…